August 30, 2013


I never gave much thought about painted versus non-painted trim until faced with a house that's downstairs is full of dark oak trim on the top, bottom, and sometimes in the middle of every wall.  I often like the natural look of wood, but not this wood--it's dingy, dirty, dark, and dated.  So, as we go through each room with new colors for the walls, we're transforming all the trim to white.  We will likely finish this project sometime before 2020.
(Stained oak trim to white.)
It takes multiple coats of primer and paint to cover up the wood and it's painstakingly slow (sand, sponge, prime, sand, sponge, paint, and paint, and paint).  It's starting to feel like Groundhog Day around here.  Also, painting things white isn't as visually rewarding as painting with color, but it has to be done.  I can just hear the house begging us to brighten her up.  I'm also touching up the window frames after the new windows were installed and painting the banister rails white.
I can't believe that no one before us wanted to change the trim or paint a wall in here.  It's crazy to me...though I suppose some may argue that "hearing" what a house "wants" is crazier.
When Tommie and I first moved in, we found some items in the back of a bathroom cabinet left from those before us...mauve hair dye, deep maroon nail polish, and black lipstick...that about sums things up in here.  The 90's are calling and want the house back.  It's time to bring this baby up to speed.


Lauren said...

Wow, the window shot...looks gorgeous!

Eva said...

hahaha I can appreciate what you found MUCH more than the creepy bone toothbrush Mom and Dad found in their house!