January 20, 2014

Opening a New Door

Even though my parents came down for a holiday vacation, it's been more of a working vacation for my dad, whom I presented with a list of house projects before he arrived.

The trade-off for them to escape the -20 degree temperature in Maine is to help Tommie and I with the projects we're not skilled enough to tackle...which is a lot.  We pretty much max out on anything that requires more than a hammer and a paint brush.
Since it was warm when my parents arrived around Christmas, we first tackled a couple of indoor/outdoor projects.  The old owner's left a play set in the backyard, and even though we don't have kids, I wanted to replace the rotted support beams because during our move-in I found one of Tommie's 21-year-old co-workers enjoying a good swing.  Better to be safe.  A couple new 2x4's with a pressure-treated one on the ground should do the trick.
While shopping for 2x4's, we noticed an entryway door on sale at Home Depot for $159.  Our wood door was swelling and contracting a lot with the temperature fluctuation in North Carolina, and we would have to replace it at some point, so I added it to the "daddy to do" list.  It was a big project to tackle, but everyone helped.  
The new white, steel door has a half-circle window and it helps brighten up the entryway a lot.  It's also really good at keeping out the drafts compared to the old door.  I was able to unload the old door to someone on Craigslist who bought it for $25.  Cha-ching.
Front door before (above) and after (below).

Entryway when we bought it
Entryway now with new paint, light fixture, and door.
Outside with old door & old paint
Outside with new door & new paint. Bam!

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